Friday, February 28, 2014

Five Minute Friday - Choose

Choose is a word that is often misspelled or mistaken for chose. Life is like that. We like to choose and make our choices as we see fit. But often in life we don't get to choose and we are sent to live in places we never would have picked on our own. We are given jobs to perform that we wouldn't pick for ourselves.

I guess the biggest thing we need to think about with this prompt is choose is something we would all want to be able to do. There are many in the world that never get to choose. We should all be grateful for the opportunity to do it even once! God is good. When he chooses, he knows what will happen next even when we don't. When we choose, we need to deal with the outcomes that arise. Life goes on. Think about this the next time you.... choose.

Friday, February 7, 2014

Five Minute Friday: Write

It's been a while... Today was an easy day to add to my blog because the post prompt was "write". Why not try again to get this going...  Writing is scary because it is something you put on paper or on the screen and it is there for all to see. It bares your soul at times and that is scary.

I'm so thankful for those dear ladies who have the heart and the courage to write these books for us that Lisa-Jo has shared because they are saying the things that we all think from time to time and wonder "is it only me?"  I'm so thankful for these strong ladies who take the time to share their lives with us and take the time to encourage us and make our days brighter.

I've wondered for so long about writing and blogging and sharing stories about my life and things that make me question and wonder and wander through the days. The five minute Friday moments are really freeing because you know that you only have to write for just 5 minutes. I think that this fact alone makes it much easier to just open up the words that are flying around in our minds.

This has been a hard week for me with some things that I'd like to fix but it's not in my power to do so. The encouragement I've gotten from Lisa-Jo, Women Living Well and (in)Courage has made it a much brighter week for me and given me hope which will last for days to come.

...and STOP!

Happy weekend all!
