Sunday, September 15, 2013

A Sunny Sunday Morning and the Carrilon is Chiming

It's a beautiful day here in Belgium and I'm sure it looks much like this from above today!

It feels wonderful being back here in Belgium, the same country in which we started this adventure in 2001. It feels as close to home as Europe can since it is very much like Pennsylvania in climate and terrain. Fall is here and the temperatures are much more to our liking than the hotter temperatures of just last week. The golf team has been working hard at preparing for their competitions as have all of the other sports teams at our school. It is our first school experience with being sports parents!

PWOC is off and running with great Bible studies and I feel so blessed to be able to take part in the group again. There was a void in my life while living in Italy and it was the gap left from my time spent in fellowship and study with my PWOC sisters.

I'm back substitute teaching at the school and that is a real blessing. It gives me a chance to work and also to participate in helping students learn which is a real passion of mine. I have to say that (for me) it is so much easier working with students that don't share my genes than it was to homeschool. I continue to lift up my friends in prayer that are walking the path of homeschooling. It is a challenge that requires determination and resolve to follow the plan and maintain the structure needed despite operating around your daily home tasks and needs. My drive time and quality conversations with Michael are priceless these days. The route is very picturesque for the most part which helps a lot!

Happy Sunday all!
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