Sunday, October 6, 2013

Blessings in Disguise

Good morning Sunday!

I've been enjoying a beautiful, quiet Sunday here by myself in the Ardennes. It is extremely quiet here as there are no visitors since our gates remain closed each day during the government shutdown. So many question why this has to be and people here in Europe shake their heads at our country's political issues. The saddest part is when families travel to visit loved ones buried here and cannot enter. What's wrong with that picture - everything in my book!

The carillon is chiming Noon and the peacefulness of this place stretches undisturbed.

I came across a business card I received during my trip to the States in April. It is "New Hope School" Reaching the girls in the middle. I had the pleasure of meeting a husband and wife team who were returning from Ghana from a visit to their school there. I met them during the long 4 hour delay from Brussels to the States and maybe wouldn't have had this chance, if the flight was on time!

It is a school because it teaches life skills and needed educational subjects to aid the girl/women in being successful in supporting themselves. It cannot register as a school due to all of the many strict regulations that the government there imposes. However, it is filling a very important need in that area that the regulated schools do not. I'm going to send a message to Sandy to see what, if anything, we can do to help them in this very important mission. Helping others become self-sufficient and able to stand on their own two feet is way more important than sending billions of dollars to countries where governments use the aid any way they wish.

Praying for these girls and women and the Beckers today as they continue their hard work!

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