Friday, October 18, 2013

Five Minute Friday - Laundry

I missed last week's prompt so here I am jumping back in with both tired feet! Laundry! It makes you think of missing socks, wash baskets full of clothes not put away and maybe never put away. It makes me think of that wonderful warm feeling of towels newly removed from the dryer and taken to little ones who will use them straight out of the bathtub. Comfort, softness and warmth! It makes me think of never being caught up because we wear these clothes each and every day and will never be finished washing and drying them over and over. But it also makes me remember to be thankful that we have clothes to cover our body, to keep us warm to make us feel happy or attractive or just plain comfortable. So many do not have the luxury of washing their few clothes like we do in our fancy machines and being able to choose from so many different combinations. We are blessed. We have so much and so many have so little. I'll take time to pray for those who are in positions where they have little and that God will bless them with sufficient clothes and ways to care for them that are more pleasant than what they currently have. With every sock I pick up to match to its mate and every fitted sheet I struggle to fold, I will pray for those people of the world who don't have socks or sheets and be glad that I can struggle and search for those socks that never seem to surface... God is good - all the time. Thank you for mundane tasks that bring us comfort!


  1. Good thoughts. It's so easy to complain about the time and effort our abundance takes to manage. Such a good reminder to use the chore time to give thanks instead :) Popping by from FMF. Keep it up!

  2. So true! Thank you for reminding us to pray for those that aren't blessed with the richness for our everyday tasks.

  3. just LOVE towels fresh out of the dryer... so comfy, warm, comforting. :-)
